What is Prosthesis? Why is Prosthesis Used?

Prosthetic arms and legs; It is the general name of all products that are applied in a way that adapts and imitates the organs that people lost their limbs such as limbs due to various sad reasons such as accidents and diseases.
The purpose of the application of prosthetic arms and legs is to enable people to return to their daily life as quickly as possible after amputation and to continue life from where they left off.
As the target prosthesis, the most important goal of our prosthesis applications is to restore your mobility, starting from the first operation in the hospital, throughout the prosthesis construction and rehabilitation period.
The target is to make our customers independent from the help of third parties and help you regain your quality of life with the prostheses they have applied.
As a target prosthesis, it is to help our customers to lead a very active life in the future with prosthesis applications, although some things will change in their lives after amputation.
As the target prosthesis, we will increase the success of this process much faster and with much more cooperation thanks to your active contribution to our customers in the prosthesis application and rehabilitation phase.
In choosing the appropriate prosthesis, your physical health, your expectations from your prosthesis, your professional and private life environment are important factors.
As the target prosthesis, the prosthesis that we have designed and applied together with our customers is enough for you to do many activities and to restore a large part of your mobility, to help you continue your daily life without help from others.
After the amputation of our target prosthetic customers, after the treatment of our doctors, the prosthesis suitable for you are designed and measured in our center according to the shape of the stump structure and muscle strength.
Since the pricing of leg and arm prostheses is a wide variety of brands, models and functional prostheses, the amputation site level of our customer who will use the prosthesis and the functionality of these muscle groups and the cost of the prosthesis to be applied in line with the needs and expectations of our customers vary.